The ADEeF, Association of the
Distributors of Electricity in France


Distribution system operators (DSO), which are more than 115 in France, provide public service of electricity distribution in the whole metropolitan territory, within the framework of a concession contract made with local communities in charge of the service’s organization.

The ADEeF brings together all the French Distributors of electricity operating on the metropolitan interconnected territory in order to defend their common interests.

Created on April 5th, 2012, the ADEeF’s main missions are:

  • To defend the interests and trade of the distributors of electricity, with their members and the public authorities, whether that they are national or local;
  • To communicate the positions of the French Distributors with regard to major issues of the electric sector, the evolutions of their trades and their missions, and the practices of the electricity supply.

Via representatives of the member’s diversity, the ADEeF carries collectively the common positions of the French DSOs.

Through common benchmarks, the non-governmental organization also aims to insure a better coherence of its members’ practices.

The ADEeF's members